Rainbow Beach Sports Club was founded in 1980

The Rainbow Beach Sports Recreation and Memorial Club was founded in 1980.

From an overgrown bowling green and a clubhouse which used to be the old manual arts building from Gympie State High School to an enormous 6312 square meters of community owned facilities.

Our first renovation took place in the early 90s where we added 2 Tennis Courts to our Sporting Facilities. Our first pokies arrived in 1996. 2003 saw some more extensions to our existing clubhouse including a deck overlooking the bowling green.

2007 was a major renovation and extension. This gave the club a new reception area, restaurant/function room and a state of the art kitchen. Then in 2012 we built the Aquatic Centre for 2.4 million dollars.

Our Club comprises of a Clubhouse which hosts a 200 seat restaurant, 50 modern gaming machines, Main club lounge, 3 outdoor dining decks, a comprehensive bottleshop, Tab & Keno facilities and a Courtesy bus. Additionally, 2 tennis courts, a bowling green, a gymnasium and an aquatic centre.